Date Point: 3Y 08M 4W 1D AV
Beam of Hope Colony’s executive hall
After the initial turmoil arosed from Misha‘s first presentations, governor Zrkntk called for a meeting to discuss the issue with the foremost leaders and species’ representatives in the colony, a meeting that was already being held for more time that was initially intended.
The Merchant had continued with his shows, and by the fourth presentation, he’d had to move the cage to the much bigger main common area of the former mining facility, which came to take the role of central square or promenade for the town.
The meeting room was fairly big, with an oval table at the center, where the more senior and respected members of the settlement were seated, with the governor at one end of the table.
On this occasion there was additional attendants that stood without a seat, due to space constraints. Mugyiu was one of those attendants, being invited as the Gaoian representative (even though he was the only one around, but the rules where the rules).
For now, he limited himself to silently observe the meeting.
On the opposite side from the Governor on the table, sat the human with a bored look on his face -at least that’s what Mugyiu’s translator said. For him, it looked like if he was going to rip the table from the floor and walk out of the room.
One of the Corti representatives was asking permission to speak.
“Ah, yes, Dr. Treknak, by all means”. Conceded the leader.
The Corti doctor was head of the colony’s main healthcare facility, and he was respected and even loved by some of the settlers. Some people believed he was to eventually become the next governor.
Like all members of his species, he was terse and went right to the point, but he also had an uncommon kindness in his voice and manners.
“Thank you, governor. I will be brief. This meeting has dilated itself for more than 4 moon rotations, and reaching a final decision is vital for all of us.
The main facts here are quite simple. We have a Hunter Alpha on our center square. It has to leave.
There’s not much more to it than that. Our esteemed human here,” he made an almost dismissive gesture towards the human, who responded with a slight grunt “seems to be of the opinion that we are perfectly safe. He concludes that having had held captive that monstrosity here for almost 30 rotations, and even more time before reaching us, with no apparent consequences, means nobody knows about it, and nothing will happen. And certainly no one on this town will spread the word.
That may well be. In fact, if I am to be completely honest, I am of a similar opinion to him. But we simply cannot risk it. What if I’m wrong? What if the swarm of swarms finds out?
The risks are too high! Governor. I propose a simple voting session. Everyone in this room will vote for the human and his companion to stay, or to leave. I know, it’s irregular, but we need to put an end to this, and calling for a general vote from all settlers will take a great deal of time. We can’t afford that luxury. If the vote results call for the human to stay, then we can organize a general vote. I sincerely hope it will not be the case.”
“Hey, that’s not fair!” the human complained.
The Rrrrtktktkp’ch leader pondered the words of his colleague for a few seconds, and then delivered his decision.
“Dr. Treknak is right. We shall vote now to decide what will happen with the human and his cargo. For those of you who don’t have a seat, datapads were provided that will allow you to cast your vote. The motion opens now.”
At that moment the double doors opened, and an obviously distressed Rauwryhr entered the room, going straight to the governor, and whispering something to his hearing cavities.
Zrkntk’s face was transfigured in horror, and for a long while he just looked down, as if inspecting the surface of the table, visibly trembling.
“Governor? What was that? Talk to us!” inquired one of the Locayl delegates.
“Zrkntk, you must speak at once.” Demanded Dr. Treknak.
The governor came out of his lapse and looked at them, still trembling.
“Annalist Waitryur has just informed me that a Hunter Swarm is heading for this system, already [five hours] away. One big ship, flanked by six smaller ones. They aren’t even cloaked.”
Reaction to the new information was most varied. The big furry ones put their massive heads down on the table, as if they could just disappear if they wished it hard enough. Some others were jumping and running in circles, babbling incoherently. The rest were madly shouting at Sergei.
“You stupid deathworld trash! You have killed us all! Now we are going to be devoured! We don’t have orbital defenses, or even the means and time to evacuate!” Said one of the frog-like aliens.
“Maybe if we tell the Hunters we will give away the human, they will let us alone.” Suggested one of the Vzk’tks.
“Yes, he is right! That’s our only chance!” Screamed another of the furry ones.
Even Sergei was losing his temper. He never really cared much for aliens, or anyone for that matter. His interpersonal relationships were limited to having a good time to pass the moment, rarely surpassing the top layer of his personality.
But he was no sociopath, and having an entire town devoured by Hunters because of him (children included), wasn’t agreeing very well with his moral compass.
It didn’t exactly help that everyone was shouting, screaming, and blaming each other for the current disaster.
Suddenly they all heard a big bang on the table, and everyone looked towards the source of the interruption.
The raccoon alien had fire some sort of kinetic drill on the table, getting everyone’s attention and raising a cloud of sawdust in the air. He was wearing working overalls, clearly having being removed from work in short notice to attend the meeting.
“ENOUGH! It doesn’t matter whose fault this is, or if the human has to be thrown down the airlock for being the worst in the universe. The Hunters are coming. Period. And the way I see it, he is our only chance. Human, I take it you have fought the Hunters before, yes? And what is your name anyway? I’m Mugyiu, hygiene and safety technician, class II.”
Sergei told himself that he liked this raccoon. Finally someone was getting their head out of their ass.
“Sergei Pavlovich, at your service. And yes, I have killed a lot of these fuckers before.”
“Ser-hai Pablubish” repeated the alien.
“Close enough. Listen people, our friend here is right. I fucked up, but we can see to that later. Right now we have to repel a fucking Hunter Swarm. Governor, can you show me the schematics of this mining station?”
“This is not a mining station anymore, we are an Interspecies Dominion settlement.”
“I don’t fucking care! Show me the damn map!”
The governor’s trembling fingers interacted shortly with the menus in his personal datapad, and a massive holographic representation of the facility appeared hovering over the table.
“What’s this big circle on the lower part?” asked Sergei.
“That’s the foundation of the old mine. From there, the rest of the installation was constructed.”
“Governor, you were a senior engineer here, weren’t you? Is there enough space there to temporarily relocate all people to that place?”
“Yes, I think there is. But we’ve never tried nothing like this before. What’s all that going to accomplish?”.
“We’ve better hurry then. do you have any weapons?”
“This facility was an important asset during the Robalin Wars. The orbital defenses were dismantled, but we still have some kinetic pulse rifles, there’s even some anti-tank ones in store.” Informed one of the frog-heads.
“Excellent. This is what we are going to do. You are going to evacuate all settlers to the inner foundation. There appears to be only one entrance to it, right here. Their fucking boarding pods will not be able to penetrate that low, they are going to have to use the front door, getting down through this ramp.
I will need an armed team waiting for them. You, raccoon. er, Mugui?. You will be team leader. I will teach you some quick tactics that you’ll have to relay to the rest. It is absolutely imperative that they listen to your commands. do you understand?
“Why me?!” asked Mugyiu.
“Because you have fucking balls.”
“What does mating with round objects have to do with anything?!”
“forget it. You are the team leader, and that’s that.
Date Point: 3Y 08M 4W 1D 3H AV
Main foundational dome
The settlers were evacuated to the lowest level in record time.
At the suggestion of the human, they were initially not informed of the true nature of the whole ordeal. They were told that a Celzi fleet was coming, and they’d have to shut down all the main systems and lay low until the danger passed. Only when they were all safely below, they were briefed on the true nature of their situation.
Mugyiu and the human were able to recruit no more than a few dozen volunteers for his team of defenders, and they were currently doing the little training that they could with the time they had.
“Ok. It’s simple, really. Mugui will be your leader. You will shoot at what he will told you to, and only what he tolds you to. No exceptions.
The Hunters are stronger, faster, they have shielding technology and their weapons are better. But they have to pass through there” He pointed towards the entrance “and there’s only enough space for two or three of them to enter at a time. The idea is to concentrate fire on one of them until it gets fried, and then move up to the next one in line.
A couple well-aimed shots from an anti-tank rifle should do the trick, and there’s 37 of you. Now, I don’t really count for your aim to be worth a damn, and this situation will not help. That’s why I’m not dividing you into two groups. Just shoot the Hunter Mugui tells you to shoot, and then move on to the next. That ought to buy us some time.”
The human paused for a moment.
“Ok Mugui, let’s try this. Give an order to your team.”
“Like what?”
“Like fucking shoot at something!”
“Alright alright! Team, shoot at… That maintenance bot!”
The sluggish squadron raised their weapons, aimed, and irregulary fired. There was a barrage of kinetic fire everywhere, with one shot even landing at the feet of the human, [7 meters] from it’s intended target.
But of the 37 shots, 5 of them reached the target spot on, and the robot fell to the floor in a mess of scattered mechanical parts.
“Well… Not bad, really. This might just work!” Exclaimed the human.
“And what about you, Ser-hai Pablubish?” asked Mugyiu. “Will you not fight with us?”
“I will be fighting alright, but not alongside you. At least not for know. I will need you to hold them for as long as you can. I’m going to my ship to prepare the welcome for these bastards. Good luck.”
Mugyiu just stood next to his newly-formed suicide squad, as Ser-hai Pablubish started exiting the underground complex through the main ramp, unable to really make any sense of it all.
“I really hope you are not full of nava waste, human”. he murmured internally.
Date Point: 3Y 08M 4W 1D 5H AV
Main ship of the Swarm task force
The Swarm Alpha was overflowing with anxiety as the task force began it’s final approach to the system. When they finally were close enough for a preliminary scan, the results yielded were extremely promising: There were probably many thousands of the prey awaiting to be consumed, with nowhere to escape.
Now they were finally here.
+<satisfaction; assertion> We will eat them all slowly. I will personally revel in this human’s flesh.+ The Alpha broadcasted to the swarm.
+<authority; inquiry> Beta, status report!+
+<compliance; information> Alpha, our sensors are being affected by this moon’s peculiar composition. But the prey appears to be all in the same place, a big hall in the lowest level. <sattisfaction; excitement> They are awaiting their slaughter, as all cornered prey must!+
+<dismissal; impatience> Such is the order of things, Beta.<authority; Inquiry>Will the boarding pods reach this hall?+
+<analysis; disappointment> Unlikely, Alpha. We will need to violate the structure of the prey nest through their central shaft+
+<command; impatience> Assemble a Delta shock force to survey the site. Give command to one of the Gammas+
+<obedience; respect> Will comply, Alpha.<shame; doubt; curiosity> What about the Alpha of The Bloodlusted Brood?+
+<abhorrence; hate> Leave that to me.+
+<compliance; worship; excitement> Yes, Alpha! Meat to the maw!+
Just moments later, 10 boarding shuttles carrying 49 Hunter Deltas in total, alongside their Gamma leader, were ripping through the forcefields and outer structure of the prey nest, like a blade deliciously cutting through living, breathing flesh.
They sharply stood in tight formation on the central promenade, ready to lead the way in preparation for the bloodfest that was to come.
+<command; aggression> We are to march forward, do not break formation. The prey is right ahead, beyond that little entrance.<expectancy; hunger> We will relish their terror.+
+<surprise; information> Gamma! There’s something on top of that structure.+
+<confirmation; assessment> Gamma, I see it too!+
+<alarm; recognition> IT’S THE HUM-—+++++
The Swarm Alpha was close to falling unconscious to the deck floor, but it didn’t. It was a Swarm Alpha, after all. It felt a huge explosion through the cyber link, and all of the 50 broodlings were silenced at the same time, some of them broadcasting a last signal of confusion, terror, and pain itself. All of them, but one.
One of the Deltas was still alive, albeit barely. The Alpha linked-up with the agonizing broodling’s vision one last time, and what it saw through the Delta’s failing eyes filled it with concern:
What was [seconds] ago a proud raiding party, was now a mountain of burned and severed body parts, fire and gore. The Delta was looking at what appeared to be… Some kind of tool… No, it was a foot. A foot covered with protective armor made from black animal skin, as was the custom between humans. The Delta looked up, slowly, and saw the face of the hated human.
It was aiming some kind of mechanical weapon, of human origin no doubt, at the Delta. It -he- spoke.
“Do svidaniya, motherfucker.”
The link went dark.